Android just fall in love with African developers ? It sound really awesome !
I'm managing the Android events for the Java Users Group across Africa (sub-Saharan). JUG-AFRICA Android Tour is a community event hosted by the local JUG and supported by Google.
We also planned some Sync events with all the Google Technologies User Groups (GTUG) in order to not have two little events in the same place but one bigger one..
Bellow the summary of the planned Android events by the JUG-AFRICA :
- Dakar, Senegal : Will be hosted by the Senegal Java Users Group (SeneJUG) and Corders4Africa
- Lome (TOGO) : Will be host by the Togo Java Users Group (TogoJUG)
- Abuja, Nigeria : Will be host by Abuja Java Users Group (AbujaJUG) and the Abuja-GTUG
- Johannesburg, South Africa : Will be host by the Johannesburg Java User Group (FJUG) and Johannesburg GTUG (to be confirmed)
- Cape Town, South Africa : Hosted by the CAPE Town (CTJUG) and South Africa GTUG
- Brazzaville, Congo : Hosted by the Congo Java Users Group (CongoJUG). Subscribe here
- Kinshasa, RDC Congo : Hosted by the Kinshasa Java User Group (KinJUG)
- Douala, Cameroon : Hosted by the Cameroon Java Users Group (CamerJUG) and the Cameroon-GTUG
- Accra Ghana : Hosted by the Ghana-GTUG and Conders4Africa
- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : Hosted by the Burkina Java Users Group (FasoJUG)
Thanks to all the JUG-AFRICA Leaders in Africa !
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