Saturday, December 26, 2009

Umbrella Java User Group AFRICA

I have just created JUG-AFRICA wich will be an umbrella Java User Group (JUG) for the entire continent that country JUGs or individual JUGs can affiliate with.
Like Congo JUG, Togo JUG, RDC-JUG (Kinshasa) and Cameroon JUG are on the track to join JUG-AFRICA.


The idea behind JUG-AFRICA is to allow JUGs located within Africa to collaborate globally in ways that will ultimately benefit Java developer
communities locally.
JUG-AFRICA is intended to promote communication between JUGs across

Individual JUGs will continue to function normally. Affiliation does not in any way involve subordination of local JUGs under JUG-AFRICA. JUG-AFRICA exists solely to serve and support the Affiliated JUGs.

Some benefits to think about :
  • Help new JUGs to grow and introducing JUG Leaders to JUG-Leaders mailing list.
  • Organizing regional events throughout the continent
  • Searching for sponsors and speakers
  • Negotiating bulk discounts (for events, books, courses, certifications etc.) which can be made available to all Affiliates.
How to affiliate your JUG :

  1. Designate a member of your JUG to serve as JUG-AFRICA Contact
  2. To subscribe JUG-AFRICA Contact to the mailing list

PS : Thanks JUG-USA for the inspiration.