JCertif is a mini-conference that will focus on Java technology professional certifications, with special attention to SCJP (Java Programmer) and SCWCD (Web Component Developer).
JCertif goal : To provide free courses and workshop which will help people to learn the basics of Java programming language and all its secrets.
Following these workshops, attendees will have all the knowledge required to pass a Sun Java Certification Exam, all of that in 4 certification days in August.
Following these workshops, attendees will have all the knowledge required to pass a Sun Java Certification Exam, all of that in 4 certification days in August.
Why Java Certification ? In Congo's employement market, sometimes a technology certification could look more competitive than college degrees.
We will organize a mock exam contest and award one (1) Exam VOUCHER to the participant with the highest score.
In Congo the voucher cost (300$) could represente 4 months salary and it's just astronomical for a lot of people (students, unemployed...).
In Congo the voucher cost (300$) could represente 4 months salary and it's just astronomical for a lot of people (students, unemployed...).
We are talking with local sponsors but the lack of sponsors is still a big issue in our region. If you or your entreprise would like to participate or support this iniative, see breakout of
sponsorship levels ( http://tinyurl.com/27k5t45 ).
sponsorship levels ( http://tinyurl.com/27k5t45 ).
What do we need right at this moment?
- Sponsors
- Free or Promotion codes for Java tests (vouchers)
- SCJP Books (French)
- Giveaways
The mini-conference will take place in Brazzaville, Congo (Africa) on August 26-29. Schedule
is available under http://www.congojug.com.
is available under http://www.congojug.com.
Hope you guys will help out!
Contact us directly via info@congojug.com
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