Wednesday, July 2, 2014

JCertif 2014 Call for Papers Now Open (4 countries in Africa)

JCertif 2014 Call for Papers Now Open :
Share your passion and expertise as a JCertif speaker in 4 countries in Africa. 

JCertif Abidjan 2014 (Ivory Coast) : 25 - 26 July 2014 -
JCertif Yaoundé 2014 (Cameroon ) : To be confirmes -
JCertif Brazza 2014 (Congo Brazzaville) : 8 - 14 September 2014 -
JCertif Tunisia 2015 : Du 19 au 20 April 2015 -

The 2014 conferences will once again bring together the global IT community and experts for days of education, debate and exchange on Java, Cloud, Android, Web, Embedded and Wearable technologies.

Click here to submit your paper.

PS : Don't worry, you will be back in time for JavaOne 2014 (I'll be attending JavaOne too :-) )

Of course we could help with travel and accommodation as well Congolese beer (N'Gok) !

See what we did recently in Congo Brazzaville and Tunisia :

JCertif Tunisia 2014 :

JCertif Brazzaville 2013 :



Still hesitating ? Ask these Java guys about the JCertif Experience :
  • Mike Levin (keynote speaker), 
  • Alexis Mouchine (GlassFish Team now a Googler)
  • Arun Gupta (Oracle GlassFish Team), 
  • Michael Heinrichs (Oracle JavaFX Team),
  • Chris Bailey (IBM and JavaOne

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

JCertif 2013 was a BLAST !

JCertif 2013 and GDays Brazza was once again a great success. Over 1800 Developers from 15 different countries (including 30 speakers and business representatives) turned this event again into the leading Developer Community Conference in Africa.

Audrey Ehounam (Google Student Ambassador from Abidjan) and Danielle Akini from GDG Douala  were among the featured speakers, inspiring women to find a technology they were passionate about and make their chosen careers. Just amazing !

The special thing about JCertif and GDays Brazza Team is that, it was composed of several GDG and Java User Group leaders from around Africa. 

We're still digesting the great number of (dis)like votes collected during the event !

The compete report and lesson learned will be available in few days.

Some stats:
  • Attendees for JCertif University and GDays for Dev : 1840 a day
  • Women: 105 (Thanks Audrey Ehounam Google Student Ambassador Abidjan and Danielle Akini from GDG Douala )
  • Sessions : 120
  • Speakers : 30 (including Business representatives ) 
  • Training days : 5
  • Conf Days : 2
  • Participating countries : 15
  • Participating User Group : 10 (GDG Douala, GDG Yaounde, GDG Brazza, GDG Kinshasa, Burkina Faso JUG, Togo JUG, RDC-JUG, Kin-JUG, Douala JUG, CongoJUG, Google Student Ambassador)

Noé was able to capture both GDays Brazza for Develpers and the GDays Brazza for Business experience, worth your time.

Also hundreds of pictures of JCertif University, JCertif Conference and JCertif Excursion (of course !) have been taken and shared on Google+, Facebook and other social media sites. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An epic Journey of Java EE7 & JCertif Express in Africa

I just came back from long trip to speak for the JCertif Express Tour hosted by JUG Leaders and GDG Organizers. I was touring Africa visiting Java Developers in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Yaoundé (Cameroon), Douala (Cameroon) and Brazzaville (Congo).
Next Step : Java EE7 in Kinshasa (coming soon). 

On behalf of the JUG-AFRICA and JCertif Team we warmly thank Michelle Kovac and Yolande Poirier form Oracle for your ongoing support. We're really welcoming your continued effort in advocating about Java technology in Africa

* On July 6th, JCertif Express Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

* July 16th, JCertif Express Yaounde (CAMEROON)


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Africa Android Challenge (AAC) 2013 !

The Africa Android Challenge (AAC) and the GDG Barcamp season are over !
We are very excited and proud to share with you a glimpse of the impact created by Africa GDG Bargamp and Africa Android Challenge 2013 among Android and Java developers around Africa.
Our goal was to receive at least 50 Android applications for AAC. As it turns out, we have received over 210 apps, 170 of which were approved as compliant with AAC rules and regulations.
Some stats :
  • 4000 Android Developers impacted by the  AAC and GDG Barcamp events
  • 18 events in 16 countries
  • 40 participating developer groups
  • 30 speakers
  • 210 Android applications submitted
  • 170 Approved
  • 3 weeks of exciting Barcamps across Africa
  • 52 Android 4.2 ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Phone/Tablet distributed to the winners and the GDG/JUG Managers across Africa. 
  • 2 continental winners (one by section will) will received an all-expenses-paid-for trip to Google/Android or Community event in Africaand the Android 4.2 ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Phone/Tablet (the winners and destination and will be announced on July, 23)
Unexpected participants : 
Furthermore, we received submissions from unexpected regions of Africa such as Mauritania or Malawi or Benin and Botswana meaning GDG Barcamp momentum has truly become a panafrican event. This also allow us to identify new local leaders and potential GDG Managers.
Great stories :
  • As Organizers, we heard and read great stories that give you good reasons to want to do more.  For instance, we had a participant in Kinshasa who had to cross town after work looking for a place with internet in order to submit his app on time.  This is during a city-wide power outage. The participant eventually succeeded but returned home really late. 
  • In Senegal, the operator Tigo was so impressed with the developers that they surprised every one with the offer of 3 paid summer internships.
  • Two new Google Developer Groups will creation :
    • GDG Nouakchott in Mauritania
    • GDG Cotonou in Benin
The media loved it
The GDG Barcamp and AAC created not only an internet buzz. Many blogs written on the subject  but also a TV sensation.  In many countries, such as Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Benin, Cameroon the country's most popular TV stations filmed the events or interviewed the organizers prior to the Barcamps.  Hence, it was a great opportunity to show on TV that many "geeks" also exist in Africa.

What's Next :
The crazy AAC Team are already thinking about Africa Glass Challenge !  We started some Glass courses and training.
The heroes :

A special thanks to Emeka Afigbo, Marie Patriarche, Pieter Greyling at Google Developer Relation for the support and the event and competition guidance provided. The amazing AAC Team Lamine Ba (JUG-AFRICA and AAC Business Development Manager), cedric Atangana (Event Manager), Nsubuga Hassan (Community Manager) and Jean-Patrick Ehouman (Global Communication and Social Network Manager). They did a really great job. Thanks you so much guys!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

JCertif 2012 - Call For Paper : The biggest Java/Android Community Event in Africa

JCertif 2012 Call for Papers Now Open --!
As some of you already know. The next edition of JCertif is coming and will take place on September 03th-09th in Brazzaville, Congo.

If you have an interesting presentation idea, we want to hear from you!
We invite you to share your Java experiences with the industry and community by submitting a proposal for this far from the « classic » event !
JCertif is a mix of technical session, training, life experience and a bit of an adventure !

Many Java evengelist have participated in the past events. If you Still hesitating to join us, I just want to mention a few names that we had :
  •  Arun Gupta (who doesn't know him?) – Keynote JCertif 2011
  • Alexis Mouchine-Pouchkine (Keynote Jcertif 2010)
  • Mike Levin (Keynote JCertif 2010)
  • Micheal Heinrichs (Oracle JavaFX Prague – Jcertif 2011)
  • Max Bonbhel :-)
 The full list of speakersfor 2012 edition will be published at the end of this month

We can guarantee:
  • a life experience!
  • great sessions
  • free accommodation (for the speakers)
  • free local transportation
  • free diner etc…
  • free local beer (N'Gok le choc, Primus etc...)
  • and that's not all !
Content : 
5 key themes :
  1. Java, Java EE and Architectures : track for traditional Java, Java EE and Java SE, libraries, tools and architecture.
  2. Web and Cloud : a track for  HTML5, CSS3, Javasript, GWT, Web architecture, Cloud Computing, App Engine, Grid, etc.
  3. Mobile : Android, Java ME, Web Mobile
  4. Other Languages on the JVM than Java : a track for Groovy, Scala, Clojure etc...
  5. Companies, Tools, Software development methods and Technics : Agile, Domain Driven Development, NetBeans, GlassFish, Communities and User Groups etc.

70% French and 30% English delivered by an international team of speakers. 
The deadline for submission : 20 July 2012 at 11:59 PM  PCT

Attendees : 
1000+ attendees
The conference regularly attracts close to 700 Developers and engineers (the one that write some code), and managers/entrepreneurs, senior- and mid-level administrators, government employees, in addition to a significant number of corporate and other educational leaders.

How it will be organized :

- Exhibition floor : 400 m2
- JCertif University : Training/Coding session/User group meet-up : 7 Equipped rooms for 30 participants -- 5 full days
- JCertif Conference : Conference and talk : 2 rooms (500 and 200 participants) -- 2 full days. 

See what we did in the past :

JCertif 2011 : - Website : 
Photos :

JCertif 2010 : - Website : 
- Oracle Java Magazine : JCertif 2010 honored in the first Oracle Java Magazine Premier Issue (Page 7) : 

What they said about us :

Blogs about JCertif 2011 :

Blogs about JCertif 2010 :

Friday, March 16, 2012

AFRICA ADROID CHALLENGE : 3 more days to submit your application !!

Due to the great number of the submission, the web server of Africa Android Challenge was not able to contain all submitted applications because of lack of memory.
Accordingly, many participants have had difficulty sending us their (last minute) material.

In order to allow us (organizers) to make sure that all participants have completely submitted their apps and courses, we have decided to report the submission date for the 1st round from Thursday 15th of March to Sunday 18th of March 2012 at midnight.
Please sent your application at :
I urge you all to inform members of your respective communities as early as possible so they are aware that there is still a little bit of time to submit apps and courses.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Congo's deadly arms depot blasts

Donate to Congo :

@Leaders : please share this message within your communities

To all IT communities in Africa,
This is a great initiative from Lamine, the JUG Manager of Senegal

Many of you have probably heard this sad news from Congo, Brazzaville about the accidental arms depot blasts

Congo has just lived a sad experience because of a short circuit that triggered several explosions at a munitions depot.
However, as the Chinese say, next to each disaster is an opportunity.

In our case, this is a great opportunity to mobilize ourselves and show the world that Africa is not only hurt but also that she knows how to unite her forces to effectively assist her people.

What to do?
1. The simplest solution is to support our friends in the Congo by sending them aid
2. The most effective solution is to show the world what happened in Congo in recent days and convince the world to support and assist victims

It's very simple. If you read this email, you're probably an expert on computers, the Internet and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc.. You also probably have access to Internet portals and blogs that have lots of traffic. Finally, you know influential people (politicians or media) that might get the message accross at high speed.

On my side, I created a web page that can receive donations by credit card. My company, FullSelf, is ready to offer the service without receiving any income. The only charges to the transaction will be transaction costs, such as fees from PayPal. Also, the web page in question shows the amount of donated online in live.

I therefore propose that you include a donation payment button on your websites (desktop or mobile) and share the message immediately. Indeed, every hour that passes is crucial because if we wait too long the world will not be concerned over the Congo anymore.

To include the button in your websites, use the following script:


<form method="post" action""><input type="submit" value="Donate to Congo" ><input type="hidden" name="token" value="43480"></form>

Once we are ready to dispose of funds, we will decide together (our community) which associations, individuals, or organizations may receive our funds.

Also note that if we can create an impact through this project, then we can become a major force when it comes to supporting the too frequent crises in Africa.

Finally, note that I have already dropped the first piece of the domino with a donation of $20 to support victims of Brazzaville.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2011 : What I did !

This funny blog is just about to recall me what I was able to do last year.

I started the year at Oracle Headquarters. I attended Oracle User Group Leaders Summit 2011

I was invited by Google at Googleplex in Mountain View (thanks Van) to meet with managers from Developer Relations Team to discuss about JCertif and possible synergies between JUG-AFRICA and Google G-AFRICA.

...and I came back to my quiet Quebec City (Canada)

I worked with Google to manage single and sync events (JUG/GTUG) for the Google's Android Developer Challenge Sub-Saharan
in several countries in Africa (thanks to all African JUG Leaders and GTUG Managers).

I help Oracle to organize Java7 launch events across Africa.

I gave a talk at Java 7 Launch event in Dakar, Senegal (thanks Lamine)

..then I flew to Brazzaville in Congo (my homeland) to give a talk on Java 7

…one day later, I landed in Kinshasa (Dem. Rep of Congo). A really great place.

I talked about JUG-AFRICA and Java 7 APIs (thanks Honoré and Stanyslas).

...and I came back to my quiet Quebec City (Canada)

I got an offer from Oracle to write a three part series of technical articles for the Top Java Magazine.

I went back to Brazzaville in Congo to host JCertif 2011 the biggest Java/Android Community Conference in Central Africa. This was far from a “classic” event! It was a mix of technical session, life experience and a bit of an adventure.

About 600 participants, speakers and Community leaders from 10 countries attended the event. (Africa: Congo Brazzaville, Congo Kinshasa (DRC), Togo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria – Europe : Prague (Czech Republic), France – North America : Canada, USA.

More photos here:

…then I gave 4 free days Java/Android courses and workshop at JCertif University. Really great !

More photos see here:

...and I came back to my headquarters in Quebec City (Canada)

..few days later, I went back to San Francisco to attend JavaOne 2011. I participated in JavaOne 2011 as Speaker and also as member of the Java User Group Advisory Committee. I talked about "Running a Successful Umbrella JUG or Regional JUG".

... Lamine, Mike (co-founders of Senegal Java User Group) and I attended a meeting at Google headquarters in Mountain View with Shannon from Google University Consortium Team

...After the meeting at Google, I launched the Africa Android Challenge (AAC). The AAC is community driven competition supported by Google (thanks Shannon). More than 30 JUGs and GTUGs across the continent. See here.

We think, this is the best way to assure the long-term success of African developers invested in the Android application environment.

À suivre...Next year

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My contribution in Oracle Java Magazine !!

Here is the January/February edition of the Java Magazine.
I've been contributed in Oracle Java Magazine since the first edition.
I got another chance to write technical article #3 about RESTful vs SOAP WebServices (The face-off !!).
Subscribe for free here : or

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Africa Android Challenge 2012

The Africa Android Challenge is an opportunity to discover the best developers and Android experts on the African continent. The contestants have an opportunity to create innovative applications and produce local "African" content. In addition, they can submit lectures related to Android on the Android Platform via the Google University Consortium Program.

This whole effort is community driven supported by Google and is a way to assure the long-term success of African developers invested in the Android application environment. We also expect that such initiative will lead to the discovery of unexpected, rich, and valuable local content and applications.

Rules of the competition

The competition is a two round process with semi-finals and finals and consists of the 2 following sections:

  • - Android Apps
  • - Android Courses

In the first round (semi-finals), participants compete by country as defined by the competition organizers. The winners from each section and each country graduate to the final round.

  • - Winners of Semi-finals will be selected on March 15 and will receive an Android device. Subsequently, they will have four more weeks to improve their apps and/or courses.
  • - At the end of the four weeks they will resubmit their apps and courses for a final review.
  • - The finalist from each section will win the coveted prize (an all-expenses-paid-for trip to G| [Country] event or Google University Consortium event in his region.

More details such as eligibility, rules, and conditions see here : http://

Africa Android Training (Free live Webinar)

Just to let you know that, I started live free Webinar for Android Programing later last year under my new program called Africa Android Training.
The next Webinar (sessions 5 and 6 of 10) will take place this Saturday and Sunday via Webex or GoToTraining Tool.
About, 230 GTUGs (Google Tech User Groups) and JUGs (Java User Groups) members already registered from 15 Countries across the world.

All sessions are fully recorded and the videos will be published later.

How it works:
1. Sign up here: (if not already)
2. Join the Africa Android Training group :
3. An hour before training, click to this link and follow the instructions to reserve your place: (if this link does not work, send us a message Skype: bonbhel)
4. Make sure your microphone, your Internet connection and your projector (if you are in a group) work well.

Next sessions (5 and 6) :
Session 1: Overview of the features offered by the Android API
Session 2: Installing and setting (Step by step) Create and run an Android application, the Concept Layout

Session 3: Menu, Dialog, Notifications
Session 4: Activity, Resources and Assets.

Session 5: Data Storage, Content Providers : Saturday - at 10:00 AM GMT (12:00 in Cairo, in Algiers 11:00, 10: 00 in Lome, 11: 00 in Kinshasa and Brazzaville ....).
Session 6: Multimedia (Audio and Video), Animation : Sunday - at 10:00 AM GMT (12:00 in Cairo, in Algiers 11:00, 10: 00 in Lome, 11: 00 in Kinshasa and Brazzaville ....).

Session 7: Services, Location and Maps
Session 8: Web services, XML, Cloud-computing
Session 9: Security and Permissions
Session 10: Testing, Publishing, Licensing
